
about the stones

If you truly love Nature, you will find beauty everywhere
— Vincent Van Gogh

Nature is alive and filled with energy. Albert Einstein said, ”Everything in life is a vibration.” we believe that’s the very reason why people are drawn to the beauty of crystals and gemstones. more than just pretty rocks, they are gifts from nature and mother earth. they carry the very dna, energy and vibration from which they are created.

people often say that the crystal chooses you instead of the other way around and so understanding the special properties of the stones you wear will help you recognize your own needs and to help bring forth the stone’s natural energy.

ENGAGING wth the energies


for thousands of years, crystals and gemstones have been incorporated into jewelry in order to take advantage of their spiritual and healing properties. each stone has its own unique energy, based on distinct vibrations within the make-up of the stone. BY being open to the possibilities, you can experience the benefits that the stones provide.

we hope that while wearing Just Good Juju You’ll feel incredibly adorned by its beauty while taking your own journey into the energy of the stones - no matter where you go.

IN the descriptions of the stones below, we have offered some of the commonly held beliefs about the specific energies that they carry. there are many wonderful resources available that cover the properties of natural stones in more depth and if the spiritual and healing aspects are something that you are interested in, we would encourage you to have fun by exploring it further.


creativity ~ insight ~ inspiration

African Opal

African Opal is actually a form of jasper and is sometimes compared to variscite (Impression jasper). it is a stone of beautiful tones with soft colors running throughout - predominantly blue, green and brown.

It is thought of as a calming, soothing purifying stone.


African Turquoise

renewal ~ Encouragement ~ Reassurance

Though it might sound like a form of turquoise, African Turquoise is its own unique stone - A teal, speckled form of jasper,

it is said to offer its own unique qualities and energies. known as the stone of evolution, African Turquoise is believed to bring about great change and transformation within life. Its encouraging energy opens minds to the possibility of newness and provides the balance and confidence necessary to further self-development.




Known as the ‘stabilizer’, Agate is the stone to call on for support when you need stability and grounding in your life.

Agate can be found in many areas of the world and in a wide variety of colors. it is formed by volcanic activity and tends to have a very fine grain - sometimes appearing as layers like tree rings.

popular as a good healing stone to start out a collection, With mellow vibrations and a steady rhythm, Agate is thought to bring you a sense of peace and support when you feel scattered or overwhelmed by modern life.


fluidity ~ optimism


amazonite is known as the ‘hope’ stone. it is still found in the mountains of russia where it was first discovered but also occurs naturally in the usa (colorado, pennsylvania and virginia) as well as in china and libya.

believed to be A powerful stone, the Amazonite properties are thought to help you move beyond the fear of confrontation or judgment so you can freely pursue and express your true self.




Most apatite is found in Brazil, Burma, and Mexico.  Its unique crystal structure makes it softer than other stones, and it is one gemstone mineral which is actually produced and used by the human body as well as being found in rocks.

the Apatite crystal ranges in color from deep blue-green to green to yellow and sometimes pink or violet. The Apatite crystal contains the same elements that make up our tooth enamel, many believe that this makes an excellent aide for dental issues and mending broken bones. apatite has protective and grounding properties that lead to a renewed sense of calm and self-assuredness.


truth ~ Stress relief ~ Calm

blue agate

Blue agate (sometimes referred to as blue lace agate) was only discovered in the 1950’s in Africa. it is one of the hardest agates and often has very pronounced layers.

It is considered one of the best stones for anxiety and that you can get comfort when you wear it in times of feeling stressed, anxious and overwhelmed. it’s soft powder blue tones are very calming and melt away any fear or anxiety.


Happiness ~ Optimism ~ Laughter

crazy lace agate

Also known as Mexican Agate, Crazy Lace Agate is called the ‘Laughter Stone’ or ‘Happy Lace’. It is predominantly white, with layers of creamy browns, blacks and grays. Some may include layers of yellow ochre, gold, scarlet and red.

Embracing the energy of Crazy Lace Agate is said to brighten your mood and uplift your perspective.


HONESTY ~ cheerfulness ~ self-confidence

dragon skin agate

This unusual agate resembles the skin of a dragon in appearance. people believe that Its energies promote strength in times of excessive activity. It also encourages a pleasant personality by providing inner peace and an appreciation for the simple joy of being alive.

Dragon Skin Agate is found in several colors but most commonly In various shades of blues and greens


patience ~ mental discipline


Dumortierite was discovered in The french alps in the 1880’s and it varies from brown, green and blue (and more rarely pink and violet).

Dumortierite is the stone of patience. some say that it reminds you that your health is a lifelong journey. to Be patient with yourself and to take it one day at a time. This stone may help keep the mind balanced with spiritual nutrition so that the body has the energy and vitality to heal and maintain optimal health.


tranquility ~ gentleness ~ well-being

fancy jasper

Known as the ‘stone of tranquility’ fancy jasper has large deposits in Africa and Brazil.

Fancy Jasper has been sought after as a wonderful stone for bringing wholeness and healing to an environment or situation. It is said to intensify and lighten feelings of well-being, helping you to lighten up and enjoy yourself more.


inspiration ~ creativity ~ calm


Although howlite was discovered in Canada, most howlite now comes from California. Deposits have also been found in Turkey, Germany, Mexico and Russia. Rare transparent howlite crystals have only been found in two places; Tick Canyon, California and Iona, Nova Scotia.

A calming stone, some wearers say that Howlite calms communication, facilitates awareness and helps to reduce rage, pain and stress. it can also be used as an aid to address insomnia, especially when caused by an overactive mind.


tranquility ~ positivity

impression jasper

Previously known as variscite, this stone has proven to be somewhat of a mystery. We know that it is a natural jasper-like material and Impression Jasper has become the accepted trade name, but the scientific name has yet to be identified.

impression jasper is a beautiful green/blue color usually with a sandy pattern.

Impression Jasper is a stone of tranquility. It is thought to absorb negative energy, and align body, mind and spirit, it also Re-energizes after an illness.


prosperity ~ abundance ~ opportunity


"Jade" is a cultural term used for a very durable material that has been fashioned into tools, sculptures, jewelry, gemstones, and other objects for over 5,000 years. “Jade’ actually refers to two distinct minerals: jadeite and nephrite.

Most commonly known for its green form used in ancient jewels, jade can be found in a variety of colors.

Jade is not a quick-fix stone; it’s all about longevity and the long-term plan. Once you’ve connected to your highest self and inner wisdom, for thousands of years, different cultures have used Jade to feed the confidence it brings you to take action. Identify the steps you need to take to live out your vision, and bring your abundance to life.


happiness ~ clarity ~ peace ~ self-confidence


Jasper means “spotted or speckled stone” and is one of the oldest gemstones known.

jasper is found all over the world in different forms and in various colors - mostly red, brown green and yellow. Rarer blue jaspers also have been found.

the various identified properties of jasper depend upon the color. For example, yellow jasper is said to represent the sun and impart happiness and positivity. red jasper energy nurtures the spirit with motivating positivity so that you focus on the things that you can change, rather than on what you can’t.


expansion ~ exploration


The name originates from the town of Larvik in Norway, where this type of igneous rock is found. deposits have also been found in ontario, canada.

Larvikite is prized for its high polish and is used as a dimension stone, often cladding the facades of commercial buildings.

Larvikite is all about getting grounded in the body to expand the mind. People say that it can help you to stabilize your emotions when you feel they’ve tipped too far toward the negative.


femininity ~ new beginnings ~ destiny


Moonstone has been used in jewelry for thousands of years. The Romans admired moonstone, as they believed it was born from solidified rays of the Moon. It has a shimmering effect which makes it a wonderful stone to use as an accent piece.

The meaning of moonstone is said to be in its energy — a nourishing, deeply feminine energy that knows how to heal and bring you back to wholeness. It is the stone of the mother moon, deep healing waters, and sacred feminine energies


Nurturing ~ Comfort ~ Peace

Ocean jasper

Ocean Jasper only comes from one place in the world, northwestern Madagascar. These stones come in a range of colors, although they are more commonly seen as green, brown and white, but they may also have shades of yellow, pink, gray, blue, red and black.

Along with its ability to clear out negativity, it has long been said that ocean jasper has a deeply relaxing and restorative energy. When challenges arise, this stone will help you peacefully navigate them.


protection ~ release ~ calm


The word onyx literally means ‘claw’ or ‘fingernail’ so called because the flesh-colored bands sometimes found in it do make the stone look like a fingernail!

onyx is found all over the world and the most well-known black onyx is actually less common than sardonyx which has red bands.

For many thousands of years, Onyx has been used to ground and stabilize the emotional body, bringing strength in difficult or confusing circumstances and during times of tremendous mental or physical stress. often cites as one of the most powerful stones onyx helps remove negative thought patterns that stem from fear. for this reason it has long been worn for protection.


clarity ~ purity ~ hope


until the 19th century when massive deposits were discovered in australia, the opal was considered a precious stone, prized by royalty. today there are two forms of opal - precious (which has the familiar colorful iridescence) and common (which does not).

opal is the “eye stone” and Just as Opal absorbs and reflects light, it is believed that it picks up thoughts, feelings, desires and buried emotions, amplifying them and returning them to the source. some people think of opal as a karmic stone because it sends emotions (positive and negative) back to where they came from!

Opals possess strong healing properties, especially related to sight and eye conditions.


Empathy ~ Love ~ Emotional Healing

pink opal

pink opal is found in Mexico and peru.

Pink Opal is powerful stone for healing the emotions, especially those connected with subconsciously held pain. In addition to healing matters of the heart, the pink opal may encourage the release of fear, worry or anxiety. It may help to dissipate stress, allowing you to be more centered and calm.




quartz is one of the more common stones and its pencil-shaped crystals are popular with collectors. amethyst, with its familiar purple crystals is a form of quartz.

there are several different types of quartz, each with its own appearance, uses and energy.

Clear Quartz is used in many spiritual practices for it is thought to amplify energy and thoughts, as well as the effect of other crystals. Clear Quartz opens the mind and heart to higher guidance.


Creativity ~ Joy ~ Positivity ~ Change


Natural rhyolite displays green, cream and occasional brown tones with deep patterns. Because of its similar appearance, rhyolite has sometimes incorrectly been labeled as "rainforest jasper.".

Rhyolite is formed as part of volcanic eruptions and so can be found all around the world and is still being formed by current volcanic activity.

Rhyolite deepens your connection with the Earth and all its inhabitants. It celebrates the joy of life, bringing awareness and joy for all the things around you. Rhyolite properties may help to renew your emotional state, bringing hope and positive energy to relieve any feelings of self-doubt, hopelessness or depression.


love ~ happiness ~ passion

rose quartz

Rose quartz is found in Madagascar, India, Germany, and several localities in the USA (a lot of rose quartz was extracted from a site near Custer, South Dakota), now, most of the world’s supply of good quality rose quartz comes from Brazil.

known as the “heart stone” rose quartz, with its soft pinkish tones, is a powerful ally when you want to attract a new relationship, love yourself more, or heal from past hurts.


Detoxifying ~ Grounding ~ Moving forward

smoky quartz

Smoky Quartz was known as a Stone of Power. To the ancient Druids, it was sacred and signified the potent dark power of Earth gods and goddesses. found in several places around the world, it is especially associated with scotland (where it is the national stone).

many believe that, If something no longer serves you, smoky quartz gives you the clarity to let it go. its energies help you to overcome negative emotions such as stress, fear, anger, jealousy and even feelings of depression.


PurificatioN ~ Transformation ~ Fulfilment

snowflake obsidian

Snowflake Obsidian is a natural volcanic glass, usually in dark colors, containing the mineral Cristobalite in the form of white "snowflake" crystal patterns. it forms in areas of past or present volcanic activity and so It is found in many areas of the world. In the United States, it isfound on the West Coast, an area with high levels of tectonic activity.

Snowflake Obsidian is calming and soothing. It’s sometimes said that it teaches you to value mistakes as well as successes. A stone of purity, it provides balance for body, mind and spirit.



tanzanite quartz

Tanzanite quartz may be similar to tanzanite in appearance, but it is not the same gemstone. it is a quartz with a natural pale violet color similar to tanzanite's.


Creativity ~ mental ability ~ flexibility

wild horse jasper

Wildhorse Jasper is found in the Owyhee Mountains near the Idaho/Oregon border. The name wildhorse jasper is derived from the location in which it is mined - the Wildhorse Canyon in Oregon.

Legend has it that jasper protects against evil spirits and forces, as well as bringing courage and relief from pain.

Wild Horse Jasper is considered to be a protective stone and is said to balance the energies within our body. it has the effect of making its owner's mind flexible. It can let you have new ideas or information easier.